Kinder-ic’s druk door patiënten met RS-virus
‘De situatie is uitdagend, maar de zorg is gewaarborgd’, zegt Lissy de Ridder, voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde. ‘Kinderartsen in heel Nederland werken intensief samen om opnames en eventuele overplaatsingen zo goed mogelijk te coördineren. In sommige regio’s wordt contact gelegd met ziekenhuizen over de grens, maar ook daar is het druk.’ Door de drukte […]


Beschermende effecten van kortdurende larvale immunisatie tegen mijnwormen
Mijnwormen Mijnworminfecties vormen wereldwijd een uitdaging voor de volksgezondheid, en vaccinontwikkeling wordt bemoeilijkt door een gebrek aan begr...
Een nieuwe antibioticaklasse ontdekt voor resistente bacterie
Inleiding Carbapenem-resistente Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) heeft zich wereldwijd ontwikkeld tot een belangrijk pathogeen met beperkte behandelopti...

Immunologie nieuws


TSLP and TSLPr Expression and Localization in the Airways of COPD and Non?COPD Patients
TSLP and its receptors CRLF2 and IL7R? were investigated in non-COPD and COPD airways. At steady-state, TSLP is detected at low levels in bronchi and ...
The VEGF?Mediated Cytoprotective Ability of MIF?Licensed Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in House Dust Mite?Induced Epithelial Damage
Licensing of MSCs with MIF requires CXCR4 receptor binding. Enhanced VEGF production by MIF-licensed MSCs promotes wound healing in vitro and can be b...
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[Personal View] A framework towards implementation of sequencing for antimicrobial-resistant and other health-care-associated pathogens
Antimicrobial resistance continues to be a growing threat globally, specifically in health-care settings in which antimicrobial-resistant pathogens cause a substantial proportion of health-care-associated infections (HAIs). Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the analysis of the data produced therein (ie, bioinformatics) represent an opportunity to enhance our capacity to address these threats. The 3rd Geneva Infection Prevention and Control Think Tank brought together experts to identify gaps, propose solutions, and set priorities for the use of NGS for HAIs and antimicrobial-resistant pathogens.
Reported Neurologic Manifestations Among Persons with Syphilis by Stage of Infection—12 States, 2019 –2022
AbstractNational case-based surveillance data show that reported neurologic manifestations of syphilis increased during 2019–2022 among persons with early and late-stage syphilis. Neurologic manifestations occurred across demographic groups and among those with and without HIV, highlighting the importance of evaluating for neurologic signs and symptoms in all persons with syphilis.
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Norovirus replication, host interactions and vaccine advances
Nature Reviews Microbiology, Published online: 17 January 2025; doi:10.1038/s41579-024-01144-9
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Respiratoir systeem

TSLP and TSLPr Expression and Localization in the Airways of COPD and Non?COPD Patients
TSLP and its receptors CRLF2 and IL7R? were investigated in non-COPD and COPD airways. At steady-state, TSLP is detected at low levels in bronchi and ...
Similar Spatial Expression of Immune?Related Proteins in SARS?CoV?2 Placentitis and Chronic Histiocytic Intervillositis
SARS-CoV-2 placentitis and chronic histiocytic intervillositis are associated with massive infiltration of myeloid cells and T cell activation limited...
The VEGF?Mediated Cytoprotective Ability of MIF?Licensed Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in House Dust Mite?Induced Epithelial Damage
Licensing of MSCs with MIF requires CXCR4 receptor binding. Enhanced VEGF production by MIF-licensed MSCs promotes wound healing in vitro and can be b...
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[Grand Round] Syphilitic bi-valvular endocarditis and myocarditis: modern tools applied to long-forgotten complications of a re-emerging disease
The incidence of syphilis has increased steadily over the past 25 years. Undiagnosed cases have presumably increased in the same proportions, and rare complications are at particularly high risk of being unrecognised. A previously healthy 60-year-old man presented with rapidly progressive heart failure and severe aortic and mitral valve insufficiency, with direct valvular destruction and preservation of the aortic valve annulus and aortic root. Treponemal serology was reactive, with rapid plasma reagin titre of 1:128.
Reported Neurologic Manifestations Among Persons with Syphilis by Stage of Infection—12 States, 2019 –2022
AbstractNational case-based surveillance data show that reported neurologic manifestations of syphilis increased during 2019–2022 among persons with early and late-stage syphilis. Neurologic manifestations occurred across demographic groups and among those with and without HIV, highlighting the importance of evaluating for neurologic signs and symptoms in all persons with syphilis.
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