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Volg de laatste wetenschappelijke literatuur, trends en hoogtepunten binnen MDL.

Nieuwe techniek verkleint kans op lekkages bij darmoperaties
De studie is uitgevoerd in 8 Nederlandse ziekenhuizen*, waarin bijna 1.000 patiënten zijn onderzocht. Dr. Alexander Vahrmeijer, dr. Denise Hilling, promovendi drs. Robin Faber en drs. Ruben Meijer en Jeffrey Braak van het LUMC hadden de leiding over het onderzoek, dat gepubliceerd is in het wetenschappelijke blad The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. Doorbloeding controleren In 2023 […]

MDL nieuws


Vroege opsporing en behandeling van bloedingen na de bevalling
Hemorrhagia postpartum (HPP; postpartumbloeding) is wereldwijd de meest voorkomende oorzaak van maternale sterfte. Ook in Nederland is het de mee...
Twee benaderingen voor mitralisklepchirurgie vergeleken
Internationaal ondergaan de meeste patiënten een sternotomie (ongeveer 80%) en slechts een klein deel ondergaat de minimaal invasieve operatie welke ...

MDL nieuws

Blijf op de hoogte over het laatste medische MDL nieuws.

Volg de laatste wetenschappelijke literatuur, trends en hoogtepunten binnen MDL.


Risk of Hepatocellular Cancer in U.S. Patients With Compensated Cirrhosis Treated With Direct?Acting Antivirals Versus Interferon
This study shows a markedly reduced risk of de novo HCC among patients with chronic HCV–related compensated cirrhosis who received DAA treatment com...
Bridging the gap between science and survival
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Published online: 07 February 2025; doi:10.1038/s41575-025-01044-0
Bridging the gap between science and survival
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Published online: 07 February 2025; doi:10.1038/s41575-025-01044-0
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We thank Tang et al1 for their commentary on our study2 evaluating the efficacy of a short (?4 cm) myotomy for the treatment of sigmoid-type achalasia.
We thank Daungsupawong and Wiwanitkit for their comments on our article.1 This prospective study was designed to provide safety and clinical outcomes data on transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) 2.0 performed by a more representative mixed group of gastroenterologists and surgeons with varied prior experience with TIF from academic and practice settings.2 Multiple published clinical trials have reported the high safety and efficacy of TIF for treatment of GERD, but our study is the first to report comparable excellent outcomes when TIF 2.0 is performed in the real-world setting in the United States.
A note from the Editor-in-Chief
Greetings from snowy Denver, Colorado, and welcome to the February issue of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. We are deep into winter, but rest assured, spring is on its way. As always, you will find this issue packed to the rafters with valuable information for your endoscopic practice, whether you are a general endoscopist or an advanced therapeutic endoscopist. We begin this issue with multiple important guidelines and ASGE society documents. These cover a wide range of critical topics, including the management of gastric varices, inflammatory bowel disease, gastroesophageal reflux, and the use of GLP-1 agonists and related agents.
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Pancreatic cancer immune map provides clues for precision treatment targeting
Pancreatic cancer patients may benefit from future precision treatments as a new study shows how some tumors may potentially be more susceptible to macrophage-based therapies, and clues behind why these tumors don't respond to existing immunotherapies.
Standardizing the endoscopic management of pancreatic walled-off necrosis: the crucial role of magnetic resonance imaging
We read with great interest the article by Bofill et al1 reporting a retrospective single-center study on the potential role of MRCP in optimizing the treatment of patients with endoscopically treated walled-off necrosis (WON). Of note, no recurrence of pancreatic fluid collection (PFC) was noted in patients receiving MRCP-based assessment of the pancreatic duct before the removal of transluminal stent(s). The researchers concluded that MRCP may identify patients harboring a high risk of PFC recurrence resulting from disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome (DPDS)2 for whom long-term indwelling plastic stent(s) prevented the recurrence effectively.
Risk factors for pancreatic cancer in individuals with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms and no high-risk stigmata during up to 5 years of surveillance: a prospective longitudinal cohort study
Cyst size, its growth rate, and diameter of the main pancreatic duct (MPD) are all associated with pancreatic carcinoma prevalence in intraductal papi...
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