Vroege diagnose van RA met PET
Reumatoïde artritis (RA) RA treft 0,5% tot 1% van de wereldbevolking en wordt gekenmerkt door chronische ontsteking en gewrichtsschade. Het beïnvloedt niet alleen de gewrichten maar kan ook leiden tot ernstige complicaties zoals hart- en vaatziekten en lymfoom. Traditionele diagnostische methoden hebben beperkingen, waardoor er behoefte is aan innovatieve benaderingen voor vroege detectie en monitoring. […]


Bijna één op de zes patiënten met reumatoïde artritis ontwikkelt interstitiële longziekte
Reumatoïde artritis (RA) is een systemische ontstekingsziekte die vooral de gewrichten treft, maar systemische of extra-articulaire manifestaties van...
Statines om hart- en vaatziekten te voorkomen ook veilig bij patiënten met reumatoïde artritis
Tot dusver was het onduidelijk of het gebruik van statines veilig en effectief is bij patiënten met inflammatoire aandoeningen. In vergelijking met e...

Reumatologie nieuws

Can an App Reduce the Need for In-Person Visits?
Solomon et al. examined whether a mobile application (app) for patients with rheumatoid arthritis integrated in the electronic health record would be used by patients and rheumatologists. The application collected patient-reported outcomes (PROs) between visits and gave rheumatologists messages regarding clinical status, recommending early or delayed visits based on PROs. In this initial trial, the researchers found high use rates for the app and PRO data, but no association between app use and reduced visit volume.
David Liew and Alexa Meara have provided an issue and toolbox that are not only current state-of-the-art but also clearly required for the field to move forward. Rheumatic immune–related adverse events need to be understood and addressed by all Rheumatologists (not just a few in limited centers) because the success story of immune checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy is growing and certainly is associated with meaningful health care results. One of the most important outcomes from this issue is our experts, who put the articles together, now can tell us how to diagnose and manage these events and provide quality care.
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-induced Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) immune-related adverse events (ICI-PMRs) represent a novel, distinct entity, despite many clinical, laboratory, and imaging similarities to classical PMR. Important questions remain in differentiating ICI-PMR from classical PMR, as well as other immune-related adverse events and PMR mimics. Despite this, ICI-PMR currently takes treatment cues from classical PMR, albeit with considerations relevant to cancer immunotherapy. Comparisons between ICI-PMR and classical PMR may provide further bidirectional insights, especially given that important questions remain unanswered about both diseases. The cause of classical PMR remains poorly understood, and ICI-PMR may represent a model of induced PMR, with important therapeutic implications.

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