

Amsterdam UMC wil 1,5 miljoen vrouwen gezonder door de overgang krijgen
Peter Bisschop, hoogleraar Klinische Endocrinologie bij Amsterdam UMC, leidt hiertoe het MenoPause Consortium de komende acht jaar: ‘Met dit onderzoek willen we bijvoorbeeld cognitieve gedrags- en leefstijlinterventies in zorg- en behandelplannen introduceren. Ook willen we kunnen voorspellen welke vrouwen meer risico lopen op diabetes en hart- en vaatziekten en osteoporose om deze groep vrouwen beter […]


Vaccinatie tijdens de zwangerschap kan RVS-ziekte bij zuigelingen voorkomen
Onderzoek Het betreft hier een fase 3, dubbelblind onderzoek, uitgevoerd in 18 landen. In een verhouding van 1:1 zijn zwangere vrouwen van 24 tot 36 w...
De invloed van magnesium op dementie
Onderzoek Deelnemers (40-73 jaar) van de UK Biobank (n = 6001) werden geïncludeerd en gestratificeerd naar geslacht. Mg in de voeding werd ...

Gynaecologie nieuws

[Perspectives] Making pregnant bodies whole: a historical perspective
In 1987, medical anthropologist Emily Martin published her groundbreaking book The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction, in which she grounded the female experience of reproduction within the historical sociocultural processes structuring women's embodiment in the USA during the 20th century. Martin focused on capitalism's influence on medicine, arguing that it shaped how the medical profession defined reproduction, and, in turn, how women understood their bodies. She argued that medical texts typically treated female reproduction as production, successful when reaching its “goal” (eg, pregnancy and livebirth) but as “failed” otherwise (eg, menstruation or menopause).
[Perspectives] Making pregnant bodies whole: a historical perspective
In 1987, medical anthropologist Emily Martin published her groundbreaking book The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction, in which she grounded the female experience of reproduction within the historical sociocultural processes structuring women's embodiment in the USA during the 20th century. Martin focused on capitalism's influence on medicine, arguing that it shaped how the medical profession defined reproduction, and, in turn, how women understood their bodies. She argued that medical texts typically treated female reproduction as production, successful when reaching its “goal” (eg, pregnancy and livebirth) but as “failed” otherwise (eg, menstruation or menopause).
Use of serum evaluation of contraceptive and ovarian hormones to assess reduced risk of pregnancy among women presenting for emergency contraception in a multicenter clinical trial
To evaluate ovulation risk among women enrolling in an emergency contraception (EC) study by measuring contraceptive steroids and ovarian hormones.

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