Stressmetingen met wearables: hoe voegen ze waarde toe?
Transdisciplinair onderzoek Het onderzoek combineerde sociale, technische en juridische perspectieven. Daarvoor is transdisciplinair gewerkt; naast academische kennis zijn ook de ervaringen van patiënten, mantelzorgers en professionals in de zorg meegenomen. In het onderzoeksproject is samengewerkt tussen Juridische Hogeschool Avans & Fontys, Fontys ICT en Fontys Paramedisch, ondersteund door Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA, Centre of […]


Eenvoudige zuurstofingreep voor verbetering van motorische leerprocessen
Achtergrond De overdracht van zuurstof naar de weefsels in het menselijk lichaam hangt bijna volledig af van het niveau en de functie van hemoglobine ...
Sekseverschillen bij de associatie tussen TRS en IL-6-spiegels
Fenotypen Eerdere studies toonden aan dat patiënten met TRS mogelijk hogere IL-6 niveaus hebben in vergelijking met gezonde mensen en patiënten die ...

Neurologie nieuws


Association between heavy alcohol consumption and cryptogenic ischaemic stroke in young adults: a case-control study
The underlying risk factors for young-onset cryptogenic ischaemic stroke (CIS) remain unclear. This multicentre study aimed to explore the association...
Cardiovascular disease
Ischaemic stroke in the young--is it time to consider alcohol reduction for stroke prevention?
While red wine has been touted to reduce myocardial infarction, the association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease and stroke is more nuanced....
A Method for Imaging the Ischemic Penumbra with MRI using IVIM [ORIGINAL RESEARCH]
In acute ischemic stroke, the amount of "local" CBF distal to the occlusion, i.e. all blood flow within a region whether supplied antegrade or delayed...
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Effectiveness of the Interdisciplinary Home-bAsed Reablement Programme (I-HARP) on improving functional independence of people living with dementia: a multicentre, pragmatic, randomised, open-label, controlled trial
We investigated the effectiveness of an Interdisciplinary Home-bAsed Reablement Programme (I-HARP) on improving functional independence, health and we...
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Pharmacological differences and switching among anti?CGRP monoclonal antibodies: A narrative review
Antibodies targeting either the calcitonin gene–related peptide (CGRP), such as galcanezumab, fremanezumab, and eptinezumab, or the receptor (erenum...
The safety and feasibility of transcranial direct current stimulation and exercise therapy for the treatment of cervicogenic headaches: A randomized pilot trial
Our primary objective was to evaluate the safety and feasibility of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with exercise therapy for the tre...
Pharmacological differences and switching among anti?CGRP monoclonal antibodies: A narrative review
Antibodies targeting either the calcitonin gene–related peptide (CGRP), such as galcanezumab, fremanezumab, and eptinezumab, or the receptor (erenum...
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MS drug beneficial in an underrepresented group
Nature Reviews Neurology, Published online: 17 January 2025; doi:10.1038/s41582-025-01060-3
MS drug beneficial in an underrepresented group
Nature Reviews Neurology, Published online: 17 January 2025; doi:10.1038/s41582-025-01060-3
Development and Validation of a Scoring System for Predicting Disease Activity in Treatment-Naïve Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a heterogenous autoimmune degenerative disorder with wide variability in its clinical course (Van Wijmeersch et al., 2022). The MS field has evolved significantly recently with the development of a big armamentarium of therapeutic options rendering choosing among it a challenge. The therapeutic decision should be mainly based on disease activity patterns and prognostic factors that can foretell the possible disease course, in addition to other factors, like comorbidities, family planning, patient preference, and adherence potential (Rae-Grant et al., 2018).
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icotec gets US FDA 510(k) clearance for use of BlackArmor implants to treat de novo spinal infections
icotec, a leading company for the treatment of spinal tumours and spinal infections, announced that it has received FDA clearance for the use of BlackArmor implants in the treatment of de novo spinal infections.
Pasithea Therapeutics opens European clinical trial sites and completes initial dosing of cohort 4
Pasithea Therapeutics Corp., a clinical─stage biotechnology company developing PAS─004, a next─generation macrocyclic MEK inhibitor, for the treatment of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and other cancer indications
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Markers help to predict dementia with Lewy bodies
Nature Reviews Neurology, Published online: 17 January 2025; doi:10.1038/s41582-025-01058-x
Markers help to predict dementia with Lewy bodies
Nature Reviews Neurology, Published online: 17 January 2025; doi:10.1038/s41582-025-01058-x
Directional deep brain stimulation electrodes in Parkinsons disease: meta-analysis and systematic review of the literature
Since their introduction in 2015, directional leads have practically replaced conventional leads for deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson’s dis...
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