Wereld eczeem dag: 14 september 2024
Kenmerken eczeem Eczeem, ook bekend als constitutioneel eczeem, is een niet-besmettelijke, chronische huidaandoening die gepaard gaat met symptomen zoals roodheid, zwellingen, vochtblaasjes, vochtafscheiding en kloofjes. Het meest kenmerkende symptoom is echter de intense jeuk, wat ondraaglijk kan zijn. Mensen met eczeem ervaren vaak ongemak en onzekerheid in sociale situaties, wat hun kwaliteit van leven kan […]

Dermatologie nieuws


Een subset van de patiënten met melanoom heeft een zeer laag overlijdensrisico
Hoewel melanoom de meest ernstige vorm van huidkanker is, hebben de meeste patiënten een hoge kans om de ziekte te overleven. Er zijn aanwijzingen da...
Adalimumab veroorzaakt mogelijk hypoglykemie
Adalimumab is geïndiceerd voor verschillende vormen van artritis (waaronder reumatoïde artritis), plaque psoriasis (of psoriasis vulgaris), ziekte v...

Dermatologie nieuws


Pre?procedural Topical Antisepsis in the Neonate: A Systematic Review Evaluating Risk Factors for Skin Injury
Pre-procedural antisepsis is a critical component of hospital-acquired infection prevention in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). However, broad...
Infection risk with JAK inhibitors in dermatoses: a meta?analysis
Evolving evidence suggests that Janus Kinase Inhibitors (JAKi) may predispose to certain infections, including tuberculosis and human herpes viruses. ...
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Inflammatoire huidziekten

Hand Eczema. Part 2: Prevention, management, and treatment
Prevention methods are important for patients with hand eczema (HE), especially those with risk factors. Frequent use of moisturizers is encouraged. Few drugs have been approved specifically for HE. Topical corticosteroids remain the mainstay treatment. Several new topical and systemic drugs are currently in development for HE. Dupilumab has recently been shown effective for chronic HE. Established criteria can be used to help determine causality for occupational HE, which is important for worker’s compensation.
Pre?procedural Topical Antisepsis in the Neonate: A Systematic Review Evaluating Risk Factors for Skin Injury
Pre-procedural antisepsis is a critical component of hospital-acquired infection prevention in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). However, broad...
Infection risk with JAK inhibitors in dermatoses: a meta?analysis
Evolving evidence suggests that Janus Kinase Inhibitors (JAKi) may predispose to certain infections, including tuberculosis and human herpes viruses. ...
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Management of dermatosis papulosa nigra: a systematic review
Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) is a variant of seborrheic keratosis that typically presents as hyperpigmented pedunculated papules on the face, trunk...
Lentigo Maligna and Lentigo Maligna Melanoma of the External Ear: Clinical and Dermoscopic Features of 19 Patients
External ear lentigo maligna/lentigo melanoma (LM/LMM) represents approximately 1%–4% of all primary cutaneous melanomas. Over the past 20?years, de...
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