Wereld eczeem dag: 14 september 2024
Kenmerken eczeem Eczeem, ook bekend als constitutioneel eczeem, is een niet-besmettelijke, chronische huidaandoening die gepaard gaat met symptomen zoals roodheid, zwellingen, vochtblaasjes, vochtafscheiding en kloofjes. Het meest kenmerkende symptoom is echter de intense jeuk, wat ondraaglijk kan zijn. Mensen met eczeem ervaren vaak ongemak en onzekerheid in sociale situaties, wat hun kwaliteit van leven kan […]

Dermatologie nieuws


Een subset van de patiënten met melanoom heeft een zeer laag overlijdensrisico
Hoewel melanoom de meest ernstige vorm van huidkanker is, hebben de meeste patiënten een hoge kans om de ziekte te overleven. Er zijn aanwijzingen da...
Adalimumab veroorzaakt mogelijk hypoglykemie
Adalimumab is geïndiceerd voor verschillende vormen van artritis (waaronder reumatoïde artritis), plaque psoriasis (of psoriasis vulgaris), ziekte v...

Dermatologie nieuws


A rapid and sensitive extraction-free HiFi-LAMP assay for detecting Mycobacterium leprae
Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) infection that primarily affects the skin and peripheral nerves. Leprosy is curable, but can result in a significant physical disabilities in the hands, feet and eyes without proper treatment [1]. Despite great success of multidrug therapy in reducing prevalence and incidence of leprosy [2], there are still over 200,000 new cases annually worldwide. Leprosy is mainly prevalent in resource-poor counties/regions such as India, Brazil, Indonesia, and southeast regions of China.
A rapid and sensitive extraction-free HiFi-LAMP assay for detecting Mycobacterium leprae
Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) infection that primarily affects the skin and peripheral nerves. Leprosy is curable, but can result in a significant physical disabilities in the hands, feet and eyes without proper treatment [1]. Despite great success of multidrug therapy in reducing prevalence and incidence of leprosy [2], there are still over 200,000 new cases annually worldwide. Leprosy is mainly prevalent in resource-poor counties/regions such as India, Brazil, Indonesia, and southeast regions of China.
Penicillin Allergy Management in India and Sri Lanka: Current Challenges
Barriers to Penicillin allergy management in India and Sri Lanka, and bespoke mitigation strategies.
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Inflammatoire huidziekten

Patients with PSOriasis and Suppurative Hidradenitis (PSO-SH) share genetic risk factors and are at risk of increased morbidity.
Select patients are diagnosed with both, psoriasis (PSO) and hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), leading to a unique disease pattern. Genetic risk factors remain unidentified.
Lipella Pharma receives US FDA nod for expanded access programme for LP?310, an oral rinse formulation to treat oral lichen planus
Lipella Pharmaceuticals Inc, a clinical─stage biotechnology company focused on developing innovative therapies by reformulating active agents in existing generic drugs, announced that the US Food and Drug Administration has
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Employment, work ability and sick leave in melanoma patients within the first year of diagnosis
Malignant melanoma affects younger working individuals. This study investigated work ability and sick leave within one year after diagnosis, as well a...
Acral and Nail Melanoma
Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is a rare subtype of cutaneous malignant melanoma not linked to UV exposure that carries a poor survival prognosis. ALM is defined by its acral location, involving the palms, soles, and subungual regions of the hands and feet, as well as by its unique clinical characteristics. We have reviewed the incidence, diagnostic standards, histopathology, dermatoscopic features, reflectance confocal microscopy features, genomic alterations, and treatment of ALM. In addition, several recent case reports are highlighted that showcase the diagnostic challenge that ALM can pose and the barriers to arriving at a prompt, accurate ALM diagnosis.
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