Kinder-ic’s druk door patiënten met RS-virus
‘De situatie is uitdagend, maar de zorg is gewaarborgd’, zegt Lissy de Ridder, voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde. ‘Kinderartsen in heel Nederland werken intensief samen om opnames en eventuele overplaatsingen zo goed mogelijk te coördineren. In sommige regio’s wordt contact gelegd met ziekenhuizen over de grens, maar ook daar is het druk.’ Door de drukte […]


Bronchopulmonale dysplasie door vroeggeboorte bij volwassenen
Bronchopulmonale dysplasie (BPD) veroorzaakt nog steeds een hoge morbiditeit en mortaliteit in overlevenden van extreme prematuriteit. De ziekte wordt...
Respiratoir syncytieel virus bij ouderen
Alle personen van alle leeftijden, zowel gezonde als met onderliggende aandoeningen, lopen risico op een RSV-infectie. De morbiditeit is het grootst b...

Pulmonologie nieuws


Refining Influenza Epidemiology in the Post-COVID-19 Era: The Need for Complementary Approaches
We read with great interest the recent article by Chen et al. (2025) titled “Global Analysis of Influenza Epidemic Characteristics in the First Two Seasons After Lifting the Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for COVID-19” [1]. Their study provides valuable insights into influenza seasonality shifts following the relaxation of COVID-19-related nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and makes an important contribution to understanding influenza dynamics in the post-pandemic era; moreover, we appreciate the authors’ reference to our earlier work, which examined global shifts in influenza peak timing and duration during the first three SARS-CoV-2 seasons [2].
Refining Influenza Epidemiology in the Post-COVID-19 Era: The Need for Complementary Approaches
We read with great interest the recent article by Chen et al. (2025) titled “Global Analysis of Influenza Epidemic Characteristics in the First Two Seasons After Lifting the Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for COVID-19” [1]. Their study provides valuable insights into influenza seasonality shifts following the relaxation of COVID-19-related nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and makes an important contribution to understanding influenza dynamics in the post-pandemic era; moreover, we appreciate the authors’ reference to our earlier work, which examined global shifts in influenza peak timing and duration during the first three SARS-CoV-2 seasons [2].
The Second Round of a Population?Based Seroprevalence Study of Anti–SARS?CoV?2 Antibodies and COVID?19 Vaccination Assessment in the Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The aim of the study was to assess the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, after five waves of COVID-19 and ...
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Refining Influenza Epidemiology in the Post-COVID-19 Era: The Need for Complementary Approaches
We read with great interest the recent article by Chen et al. (2025) titled “Global Analysis of Influenza Epidemic Characteristics in the First Two Seasons After Lifting the Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for COVID-19” [1]. Their study provides valuable insights into influenza seasonality shifts following the relaxation of COVID-19-related nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and makes an important contribution to understanding influenza dynamics in the post-pandemic era; moreover, we appreciate the authors’ reference to our earlier work, which examined global shifts in influenza peak timing and duration during the first three SARS-CoV-2 seasons [2].
Refining Influenza Epidemiology in the Post-COVID-19 Era: The Need for Complementary Approaches
We read with great interest the recent article by Chen et al. (2025) titled “Global Analysis of Influenza Epidemic Characteristics in the First Two Seasons After Lifting the Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for COVID-19” [1]. Their study provides valuable insights into influenza seasonality shifts following the relaxation of COVID-19-related nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and makes an important contribution to understanding influenza dynamics in the post-pandemic era; moreover, we appreciate the authors’ reference to our earlier work, which examined global shifts in influenza peak timing and duration during the first three SARS-CoV-2 seasons [2].
The Second Round of a Population?Based Seroprevalence Study of Anti–SARS?CoV?2 Antibodies and COVID?19 Vaccination Assessment in the Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The aim of the study was to assess the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, after five waves of COVID-19 and ...
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