Psychiatrische patiënten weer vaker en langer in isoleercel
Waardoor patiënten vaker en langer in de isoleercel zitten, is niet onderzocht. De Inspectie noemt wel een aantal mogelijke oorzaken. Een daarvan is het personeelstekort in de zorg. Door steeds meer wisselende medewerkers kent het personeel de patiënten minder goed en kiezen ze sneller voor opsluiting. Vaker opgesloten Het aantal opsluitingen, meestal in een separeercel, […]


Farmacogenomisch-gestuurde behandeling bij ernstige depressie
Inleiding De behandeling van ernstige depressie kan complex zijn, met variabele responsen op antidepressiva. Ondanks dat er meer dan 35 antidepressiva...
Behandeling voor kanker gerelateerde vermoeidheid bij melanoom
Onderzoek naar DCA Dicloorazijnzuur (Dichloroacetate of DCA), een remmer van pyruvaat dehydrogenase kinase, is in het huidige onderzoek getest op...

GGZ en gedrag nieuws


Observational Studies Confirm Trial Results That Antidepressants Double Suicides
It should be relatively easy in almost all cases to decide if a person has committed suicide or tried to commit suicide. But as with so much else in p...
Research Review: Mechanisms of change and between?family differences in parenting interventions for children with ADHD – an individual participant data meta?analysis
Understanding the mechanisms of change and between-family differences in behavioural parenting interventions for children with attention-deficit/hyper...
Rethinking Neurodevelopmental Boundaries: Distinct and Overlapping Cortical Profiles in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Their Comorbidity
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are characterized by comparable cognitive, comorbidity, developmental, and pathophysiological profiles alongside common genetic and environmental risk factors, though the specificity of these risks remains unclear. Recognition of the etiologic, phenotypic, and prognostic similarities between ADHD and ASD has influenced changes in the classification and conceptualization thereof. Unlike in the past, ADHD and ASD are now classified under the same neurodevelopmental umbrella, and their co-occurrence is diagnostically permitted.
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Observational Studies Confirm Trial Results That Antidepressants Double Suicides
It should be relatively easy in almost all cases to decide if a person has committed suicide or tried to commit suicide. But as with so much else in p...
Psychosocial Factors Associated With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Clusters in a Sample of Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
The DSM-5 classifies posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology into four distinct clusters and numerous studies have examined the psychosoci...
Early?stage randomised controlled trial of therapist?supported online cognitive therapy for post?traumatic stress disorder in young people
Effective face-to-face treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are available, but most young people with PTSD do not receive effective tr...
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Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire: Variability of Scores and Related Factors
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, Ahead of Print.
Navigating Neuroimaging Challenges in Rare Neurogenetic Disorders: A Case Example From Girls With Fragile X Syndrome
The contributions of genetics and neuroimaging techniques to understanding mental health have expanded rapidly and in tandem, perhaps most visibly in the study of neurodevelopmental and neurogenetic disorders. Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the leading inherited monogenic cause of intellectual disability and autism, and in the past 2 decades, our understanding of the FXS phenotype has expanded to better understand the specific challenges in cognition, executive function, language, and psychiatric concerns (1).
Rethinking Neurodevelopmental Boundaries: Distinct and Overlapping Cortical Profiles in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Their Comorbidity
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are characterized by comparable cognitive, comorbidity, developmental, and pathophysiological profiles alongside common genetic and environmental risk factors, though the specificity of these risks remains unclear. Recognition of the etiologic, phenotypic, and prognostic similarities between ADHD and ASD has influenced changes in the classification and conceptualization thereof. Unlike in the past, ADHD and ASD are now classified under the same neurodevelopmental umbrella, and their co-occurrence is diagnostically permitted.
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Psychotische stoornissen

Observational Studies Confirm Trial Results That Antidepressants Double Suicides
It should be relatively easy in almost all cases to decide if a person has committed suicide or tried to commit suicide. But as with so much else in p...
Schizophrenia in Philosophy and Theology
When I had my first schizophrenic hallucination 61 years ago, I told myself that I was in the privileged position of having the terrifying knowledge o...
Relationship Between Trauma, PTSD, and Schizophrenia: Relevance for Outcomes, Screening, and Interventions
J Clin Psychiatry. 2025 Jan 29;86(1):24ac15773. doi: 10.4088/JCP.24ac15773.
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Schizophrenia in Philosophy and Theology
When I had my first schizophrenic hallucination 61 years ago, I told myself that I was in the privileged position of having the terrifying knowledge o...
Sleep–wake variations of electrodermal activity in bipolar disorder
Affective states influence the sympathetic nervous system, inducing variations in electrodermal activity (EDA), however, EDA association with bipolar ...
Linguistic style as a digital marker for depression severity: An ambulatory assessment pilot study in patients with depressive disorder undergoing sleep deprivation therapy
Digital phenotyping and monitoring tools are the most promising approaches to automatically detect upcoming depressive episodes. Especially, linguisti...
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Somatoforme stoornissen

Schizophrenia in Philosophy and Theology
When I had my first schizophrenic hallucination 61 years ago, I told myself that I was in the privileged position of having the terrifying knowledge o...
Psychiatry, Capitalism, and the Industrial Machine
Before the industrial revolution, humanity’s relationship with labor, nature, and autonomy was markedly different. Most people lived in rural areas,...
The High Place Phenomenon: Associations With Markers of Positive and Negative Mental Health in Individuals Suffering From Specific Phobia or Agoraphobia
The Call of the Void phenomenon describes an inexplicable urge to consider dangerous or self-destructive actions in certain situations. Previous studi...
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Observational Studies Confirm Trial Results That Antidepressants Double Suicides
It should be relatively easy in almost all cases to decide if a person has committed suicide or tried to commit suicide. But as with so much else in p...
Psychosocial Factors Associated With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Clusters in a Sample of Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
The DSM-5 classifies posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology into four distinct clusters and numerous studies have examined the psychosoci...
Digital Workplace Mental Health Benefit Is Cost-Effective, Study Finds
For every $100 invested in an employer-sponsored mental health benefit, employers save $190 in medical claims costs, according to an analysis issued t...
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Observational Studies Confirm Trial Results That Antidepressants Double Suicides
It should be relatively easy in almost all cases to decide if a person has committed suicide or tried to commit suicide. But as with so much else in p...
AUD, Depression May Not Dampen Alcohol’s Pleasurable Effects
Individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) and comorbid depression still experience high levels of pleasure when drinking, according to a study appea...
Enveric Biosciences receives notice of allowance from USPTO for its drug candidate EB?003 to treat mental health disorders
Enveric Biosciences, a Naples─headquartered biotechnology company dedicated to the development of novel neuroplastogenic small─molecule therapeutics for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and addiction disorders,
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