Amsterdam UMC wil 1,5 miljoen vrouwen gezonder door de overgang krijgen
Peter Bisschop, hoogleraar Klinische Endocrinologie bij Amsterdam UMC, leidt hiertoe het MenoPause Consortium de komende acht jaar: ‘Met dit onderzoek willen we bijvoorbeeld cognitieve gedrags- en leefstijlinterventies in zorg- en behandelplannen introduceren. Ook willen we kunnen voorspellen welke vrouwen meer risico lopen op diabetes en hart- en vaatziekten en osteoporose om deze groep vrouwen beter […]


Effect van een SGLT2-remmer op anemie bij nierpatiënten
Anemie komt vaak voor bij patiënten met CKD. Dit wordt toegeschreven aan verminderde erytropoëtinesynthese, ijzerdeficiëntie (absoluut en functione...
Chirurgie versus leefstijlinterventie ter behandeling van niet-alcoholische steatohepatitis
Niet-alcoholische vette leverziekte (NAFLD) is wereldwijd de meest voorkomende oorzaak van chronische leverziekte en treft 55% van de mensen met type ...

Endocrinologie nieuws


Expanded possibilities for laboratory digitalization and connectivity: labforward merges with LabTwin
The two Berlin-based companies labforward and LabTwin, a subsidiary of the life science group Sartorius, are merging in order to be able to offer a si...
Lipids and adipocytes involvement in tumor progression with a focus on obesity and diet
The adipose tissue is a complex organ that can play endocrine, metabolic, and immune regulatory roles in cancer. In particular, adipocytes provide met...
A systematic review of social connections as determinants of obesity: Longitudinal evidence limited to marital transitions
Social relationships impact health and may affect proximal determinants such as obesity. Our review examined empirical evidence of the impact of chang...
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[Seminar] Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism, the deficiency of thyroid hormone, is a common condition worldwide. It affects almost all body systems and has a wide variety of clinical presentations from being asymptomatic to, in rare cases, life threatening. The classic symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, lethargy, weight gain, and cold intolerance; however, these symptoms are non-specific and the diagnosis is typically made on biochemical grounds through serum thyroid function tests. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis), although other causes, including drugs (such as amiodarone, lithium, and immune checkpoint inhibitors), radioactive-iodine treatment, and thyroid surgery, are frequent.
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