Meer kinderen zonder narcose onder MRI
Drie tot zes minuten muisstil liggen in de benauwde, kleine, indrukwekkende, lawaaierige ruimte van de MRI-scanner. Dat is moeilijk voor de meeste kinderen onder de acht jaar. En dat meerdere keren minstens 30 minuten lang, want zo lang duurt een MRI-scan. Daarom gaan jonge kinderen vaak onder narcose als zij een MRI-scan krijgen. Rutger Jan Nievelstein, […]


Adalimumab veroorzaakt mogelijk hypoglykemie
Adalimumab is geïndiceerd voor verschillende vormen van artritis (waaronder reumatoïde artritis), plaque psoriasis (of psoriasis vulgaris), ziekte v...
Immuungerelateerde bijwerkingen van checkpointremmers
Bij immuuntherapie wordt de natuurlijke afweerreactie tegen tumorcellen versterkt en gemanipuleerd. Immuuntherapie met checkpointremmers kan...

Reumatologie nieuws


Neighborhood Disadvantage and Knee Osteoarthritis Pain: Do Sleep and Catastrophizing Play a Role?
The objective was to examine potential pathways linking neighborhood disadvantage to pain severity in individuals with knee pain consistent with or at...
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Precision Medicine on a Population Level: Can Digital Health Technology Improve Access to Rheumatologic Care?
Over our 25 years as rheumatologists, care has advanced greatly. We each completed our rheumatology training in the late 1990s when both infliximab and etanercept first arrived on the U.S. market, ushering in the era of biologics in rheumatology. Since this time, our greater understanding of the immunologic basis of many rheumatic diseases has translated...
Oral Glucocorticoids for Skin Fibrosis in Early Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis: A Target Trial Emulation Study From the European Scleroderma Trials and Research Group Database
The objective of this study is to evaluate whether adding oral glucocorticoids to immunosuppressive therapy improves skin scores and ensures safety in...
Environmental Risk Factors for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus through the Lens of Social Determinants of Health
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a serious multisystem autoimmune disease, marked by alarming sociodemographic inequities. In the U.S. and around...
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