Eenvoudige zuurstofingreep voor verbetering van motorische leerprocessen
Achtergrond De overdracht van zuurstof naar de weefsels in het menselijk lichaam hangt bijna volledig af van het niveau en de functie van hemoglobine in het bloed. Aangezien bijna alle zuurstof in het bloed gebonden is aan het hemoglobinemolecuul, is slechts een klein deel opgelost in plasma. Daarom leidt een verhoging van het zuurstofgehalte in […]


Botverlies bij postmenopauzale vrouwen
Osteoporose komt naar schatting bij één miljoen mensen in Nederland voor en wordt gekenmerkt door een lage botmineraaldichtheid (bone mineral densit...
Veel mensen met Parkinson zijn niet bekend met speciale loopstrategieën
Bewegen kan erg moeilijk zijn voor mensen met de ziekte van Parkinson. Onder andere loopstoornissen zijn veel voorkomend en erg hinderlijk voor deze p...

Orthopedie nieuws

Could getting enough sleep help prevent osteoporosis?
In people's early- to mid-20s, they reach what is called peak bone mineral density, which is higher for men than it is for women, according to researchers. This peak is one of the main determinants of fracture risk later in life. After reaching this peak, a person's bone density remains roughly stable for a couple of decades. Then, when women enter the menopausal transition, they experience accelerated bone loss. Men also experience bone density decline as they age. Sleep patterns also evolve over time.
Carbon Footprint of Open Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery Performed in the Procedure Room Versus Operating Room Setting
Environmental sustainability is an important issue in health care because of large amounts of greenhouse gases attributable to hospitals. The operating room has been highlighted as one of the highest contributors, prompting several initiatives by organizations focused on the care of hand and upper extremity conditions. This study aimed to quantify and compare the carbon footprint of a common hand surgery in two different surgical settings, the procedure room (PR) and operating room. We hypothesized that open carpal tunnel release (oCTR) will generate a greater environmental impact in the operating room than in the PR.
Carbon Footprint of Open Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery Performed in the Procedure Room Versus Operating Room Setting
Environmental sustainability is an important issue in health care because of large amounts of greenhouse gases attributable to hospitals. The operating room has been highlighted as one of the highest contributors, prompting several initiatives by organizations focused on the care of hand and upper extremity conditions. This study aimed to quantify and compare the carbon footprint of a common hand surgery in two different surgical settings, the procedure room (PR) and operating room. We hypothesized that open carpal tunnel release (oCTR) will generate a greater environmental impact in the operating room than in the PR.

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