

De meest voorkomende symptomen van hart- en vaatziekten
Pijn op de borst is het meest voorkomende en herkenbare symptoom van een hartaanval. Minder bekende symptomen zijn echter dyspneu, vermoeidheid, zweten, misselijkheid en licht gevoel in het hoofd en worden atypisch genoemd.1 Volgens een eerdere publicatie kan dit te wijten zijn aan het feit dat er te weinig vrouwen zijn opgenomen in de klinische […]

Aritmie nieuws

Cryoablation of atrial fibrillation in “very severe” obese patients (BMI???40): Indications, feasibility, procedural safety and efficacy, and clinical outcome (the ICE?Obese Extreme)
Central Illustration: Cryoablation of Atrial Fibrillation in Very Severe Obese (BMI?40) Patients (the ICE-Obese Extreme)
The potential of artificial intelligence to revolutionize health care delivery, research, and education in cardiac electrophysiology
The field of electrophysiology (EP) has benefited from numerous seminal innovations and discoveries that have enabled clinicians to deliver therapies and interventions that save lives and promote quality of life. The rapid pace of innovation in EP may be hindered by several challenges including the aging population with increasing morbidity, the availability of multiple costly therapies that, in many instances, confer minor incremental benefit, the limitations of healthcare reimbursement, the lack of response to therapies by some patients, and the complications of the invasive procedures performed.
Intracardiac echocardiography guided anatomical ablation of the arcuate ridge for drug refractory inappropriate sinus tachycardia
Ablation set for modulation of the sinus node (SN) starting in the most septal portion of the arcuate ridge to the point of greatest precocity achieved with isoproterenol.

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